Mova Law Group – Personal Injury Attorneys Case Results

$3.6 Million
Car vs. Car case where our client suffered neck and back injuries. Client never went to the hospital, however, 2 days after the accident, she presented to her doctor with complaints of numbness and tingling to client’s hands and feet. Over one year of conservative care was performed including physical therapy, chiropractic care, and epidural steriod injections – they all failed to relieve Client of her neck pain that had terrible shooting pain down her arms. After 3 cervical spine fusions failed, the client opted to receive a spinal cord stimulator which finally releaved her of her continous arms pain with associated numbness and tingling. The client was very happy with the outcome.
$2.0 Million
Northern California (Sacramento) – Car vs. Motorcycle accident that resulted in arm and hip injuries. Client was released from the hospital after a few days, with no real treatment or diagnosis because there was a Covid-19 surge and they needed the hospital beds. We immediately hired a forensic expert who went out to the scene of the accident and took pictures and reconstructed the scene of the accident. Then, we hired a private investigator who took down multiple witness statements, and took very important screenshots of witness Instagram pages that explained how the accident occurred. We knew our client was not doing well, so we sent him to doctors in our network who we knew treated hip and brain injuries. He was diagnosed with a concussion (Mild Traumatic Brain Injury), hip injury (torn labrum), and a unique arm injury. We were able to get this case settled 8 months after the accident because of all the upfront work showed the insurance company we were not playing games.
$1.5 Million
Southern California (San Bernardino County) – slip and fall case that resulted in a cervical fusion surgery and a concussion (brain injury). Our client was a resident of a rental for over 6 years. Landlord never made reasonable periodic inspections of the home in order to find any dangerous conditions. The exterior handrail attached to the porch gave out and our client went head first into the ashpalt. The landlord claimed our client was faking it all along and the incident never happened. Once we delivered the 911 recorded call to the insurance company, the insurance company finally did the right thing after initially offering $0.
$1.75 Million
Southern California (Riverside County) – Car vs. Car rear-end crash that resulted in an exacerbation of a pre-existing lower back injury and concussion (mild traumatic brain injury). Our client was law enforcement and had to retire because of the crash. After 3 long years of litigation, Chris Mova was able to secure a substantial settlement for our very deserving client. Intial offer to client was $5,000 before we were hired.
Our client was walking in downtown San Diego when she was hit by a company vehicle driven by the owner. Client was diagnosed with a concussion and released from the hospital within 5 hours. Over the period of the next 3 years, our client continued to have neck and back pain. She finally had her own health insurance doctor perform lumbar spine fusion. The insurance company’s initial offer was less than $50,000. They ended up paying 30 times their initial offer a few weeks before trial.
Our client was involved in a disputed liability car crash. Her car sustained about $5,000 in property damage, but was not a total loss. She had a pre-accident lubar fusion. After the accident, she tried everything she could to get better but nothing would work. She finally went back to her original surgeon to perform a lumbar revision surgery. The insurance company handed over the maximum amount of their policy in pre-litigation.
Southern California (San Diego) – Car vs. Motorcycle Rideshare accident that resulted in a unique elbow injury and cervical spine injury. Our client tried to negotiate with the rideshare company for over 1.5 years without a lawyer and was only offered $15,000. 1 year after hiring our firm and seeking appropriate medical care through our network of doctors, Chris Mova secured a full value of the policy limit plus an extra $100,000 from another party.
Client was a surgeon in the ER. She was driving home from work one day when she was rear-ended by a commercial vehicle. The insurance company tried to call the client and send people to her house and have her sign off on a $10,000 offer. The client ended up needing rotator cuff surgery on her dominant hand, the same hand she was holding the steering wheel with at the time of the accident.
Client was walking across the street and was hit by a vehicle. He was taken to the hospital and had to undergo two types of surgery to fix his severely fractured leg. All witnesses to the accident and the police report placed blame on our client (it should be noted that one of the adverse witnesses was himself an expert accident reconstructionist). Despite the major uphill battles in this case, we were able to secure a favorable result for our client.
Northern California (Monterey County) – Truck vs. Bicycle and resulted in a brain injury. This case was litigated for over 3 years. This publicly traded company stated they would never give our client a penny for the brain injury he suffered. The police report stated our client was 100% at-fault. After hiring an accident reconstruction expert and allowing their doctors to conduct very limited mental exams of our client (under our strict supervision), the company finally did the right thing and paid.
Our client was involved in a car accident in Los Angeles where she sustained neck injuries. Our client had hired a Los Angeles based law firm but she was unable to speak with anyone at the firm. She decided to hire our firm and 8 months later we were able to secure a $600,000 settlement
A client went into to laundry room of his apartment complex. Unbeknownst to him there was clear soapy liquid on the floor that was coming up from the drain. This particular apartment complex had over five violations for their drain clogging with the County. We were able to show in litigation that the owners knew of this issue and failed to remedy it. Our client ended up with a cervical fusion and he was feeling much much better after his surgery.
A young sweet boy had been bitten in the face by a neighbor’s dog. We were able to send our client, the minor, to highly specialized plastic surgeons to show he would need multiple surgeries in the future. We were also able to prove that this kind of scarring can cause severe trauma for young children.
Client walked into a national taco chain restaurant where grease had been caked over the entrance floor. The owner thought they could get away from liability just because they had a “wet floor” sign up. However, we were able to prove in litigation that the owner knew of this issue for 8 months and failed to fix the grease hood issue that was allowing grease to come back into the restaurant, specifically into the dining area where patrons would eat.
Southern California (San Diego County) – premises liability case. A gaming wall fell on top of our client and he suffered an exacerbation of pre-existing low-back injury. The business owner was pointing fingers at everyone else and took no responsibility. The business owner’s insurance company counter-sued the manufacturer and the designer of the game. After 4 long years of litigation, the case was finally settled in 2021 for fair value.
Client was a volunteer at a facility for kids. The property owner had prior issues with the floor getting wet from piping in the ceiling. During litigation the owner tried to cover up the fact that the ceiling ever had a problem. We spoke with many people and one of them ended up being a key witness. That person showed the owner was lying which is ultimately what forced the insurance company to overpay for this ankle fracture case.
Southern California Case (San Diego) – Car vs. Car accident that resulted in low back injuries. Before hiring our firm, the insurance company was offering our client $1,800. After getting involved and understanding the true damage to our client’s lumbar spine, Chris Mova immediately filed suit and began to litigate the case. After 2 years, the insurance company finally did the right thing. Our client did not end up getting the surgery, she only had a recommendation for surgery.
Southern California case (Riverside County) – Car vs. Car where our client was rear-ended and suffered a torn rotator cuff and some lower back pain. He received surgery on his rotator cuff and felt excellent afterward. This case was litigated against a major corporation that hired a very big law firm to fight our client. They argued the rotator cuff tear could not have happened at such a low impact. But we did not let them win and they finally paid.
Our client was a resident of Riverside County. She sustained lumbar spine injuries as a result of a minor car crash. Our firm litigated this case for over 4 years. The client was recommended to receive surgery but never actually had the surgery. What added an extra layer of complexity to this case was that our client had a rare medical condition called Charcot-Marie-Tooth that the insurance company blamed for her symptoms, rather than the car accident. We were finally able to have the insurance company compensate our client fairly after a long-fought battle.
Southern California Case (San Diego) – car vs. car accident that resulted in low back spine injury that ultimately resolved. Our client’s vehicle sustained $1,200 in property damage (minor impact).
Our client was trying to help a stranded car on the side of the 5 freeway. She was hit by a car at a slow speed and suffered a compression fracture of her lumbar spine. She only had chiropractic treatment and was able to make a full recovery 12 months later.
Southern California Case (San Diego) – Car vs. pedestrian accident that resulted in hip injuries and a concussion. Client made an excellent recovery after some very limited medical treatment.
Southern California Case (Riverside County) – Car vs. Car accident that resulted in low back spine injuries. Client received very limited medical treatment. Our client’s vehicle sustained $800 in property damage (very minor impact)
Southern California (San Diego County) – Car vs. Motorcycle case. Our client suffered a broken rib. No surgery was necessary. A settlement was reached in 7 months.
Southern California Case (San Diego County) – Car vs. Car accident that resulted in low back spine injuries.
Southern California (San Diego County) – Car vs. pedestrian case. Client was catastrophically injured. He was life-flighted to the hospital. We ended up doing this case pro bono because of the severity of our client’s injuries.
Central California – Car vs. Pedestrian resulting in leg injuries. Initial offer was $0 because they blamed our client. After being dropped by his prior law firm, Chris Mova stepped up to the plate and fought against the insurance company. 5 Months later the insurance company handed over their entire policy limits.
Southern California case – Dog Bite. Our client suffered disfigurement on her arm. The insurance company initially offered 20k, but after we filed suit and allowed the insurance company to see our client in person, they caved and offered the full amount of their insured’s policy limits.
Southern California (San Diego County) – car vs. car accident that resulted in cervical spine injuries to our client. The at-fault party handed over their full policy limits.
Southern California (San Diego County) – car vs. pedestrian accident that resulted in abdominal injuries to our client. The at-fault party handed over their full policy limits.
Southern California (Orange County) – car vs. car accident that resulted in cervical spine injuries to our client. The at-fault party handed over their full policy limits after about 2 months of litigation
Southern California (San Diego County) – car vs. car accident that resulted in a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI). The microbleed in the brain was visible on a CT scan. The at-fault party handed over their full policy limits after about 2 months.
Southern California (San Diego County) – car vs. car accident that resulted in arm-spine injuries to our client. The police report places our client 100% at fault. We were able to argue valid points and have the insurance company understand our point of view and how the accident was not our client’s fault. Our client made a great recovery.
Southern California Case (Riverside County) – slip and fall case where our elderly client slipped on a grape and suffered a hairline fracture in her wrise. After about 1 year of litigation, the case was finally settled for fair value.
Southern California Case (San Diego) – Rideshare accident case that resulted in a curable spine injury to our client. The rideshare company did the right thing early on and settled this case for fair value.
Southern California Case (San Diego) – Car vs. Car accident where the at-fault driver was drunk and received a DUI. Our client suffered a curable spine injury to our client and ultimately made a great recovery without the need for surgery.
Southern California Case (San Diego) – Rideshare accident where our client’s vehicle flipped. Luckily, our client didn’t have any physical injuries, but she did suffer from a concussion (post-concussive syndrome symptoms). After about 9 months of negotiation, we were able to settle this case without the need for a lawsuit.
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