San Diego Personal Injury Lawyers

Mova Law Group

Pay Nothing Unless You Win
Million Dollar Results
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You don't pay until your case is won.

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Personal Injury Cases We Handle


Our San Diego law firm, Mova Law Group understands that your injury may have put you or a loved one in a delicate financial situation. The thought of paying attorney fees on top of medical bills may sound impossible. That’s why we work on a contingency fee basis. This means we collect no fees from you until you receive a settlement in your case. Not only does this allow you to get legal representation right away, it means your attorney is motivated to get you the best compensation possible. Even if your case must go to court, our trial lawyers will be ready to use their years of experience to fight for your rights the best way they know how. Mova Law Group’s accident attorneys also provide a free initial consultation to evaluate your situation. They’ll review their payment structure with you before starting your case, so you’ll know exactly what they’ll receive once your case gets settled. Get the San Diego personal injury lawyer you deserve!
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Are you searching for a local personal injury attorney in San Diego? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! The Mova Law Group legal team is the best for the following reasons:

  • You pay nothing unless we settle your case.
  • We’ve received over 100 (5) star reviews on Google. Our testimonials in cases such as car accidents and truck accidents are proof of this.
  • We’re always available to talk. Our company telephone is available for new client calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • We are based out of San Diego with law offices near you with 10 California law firm locations.
  • Our consultations are 100% free of charge.

Our main office is located at 3262 Rosecrans St, San Diego, CA 92110
Give us a call by dialing 858-900-9911 to schedule a free consultation.

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  • You Receive Max Compensation In Personal Injury Lawsuits
  • Your Medical Expenses Get Paid
  • We Give You Legal Advice For Your Personal Injury Case
  • You Benefit From Award-Winning Customer Service
  • You Get Access To The Top Medical Treatment
  • We Come To You In The Comfort Of Your Home
  • We Demonstrate Transparency Throughout Your Case
  • We Have Earned A Winning Track Record In Trial Verdicts
  • You Receive Compensation For Both Property Damage And Non-Economic Damage
  • You Get Recovery Of Lost Wages-Winning Customer Service
  • You Don’t Pay Legal Fees Unless We Win Your Case
Personal Injury Lawyer Chris Mova


When you’re injured due to negligence on the part of someone else, you have certain rights, no matter the type of accident. Unfortunately, many personal injury victims get taken advantage of by either the other party or insurance companies. Our personal injury law firm Mova Law Group will address this immediately. A serious injury could put your and your family's well-being at risk. Depending on the severity of your injuries, you could get buried in medical bills and lose the ability to work. Sometimes, a catastrophic injury, for example, a traumatic brain injury, can affect the rest of an individual’s life. This is why hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer is crucial. It would be best if you had someone who understands the legal process and can protect your rights. After an injury, you may feel like you can handle the process yourself or that your damage isn’t severe enough to seek legal representation. Don’t go it alone! Reach out to us at Mova Law Group for a free consultation to see how we can best help you with your personal injury matters.


Insurance companies often advertise that they have your best intentions in mind as the injury victim. However, when it comes to a personal injury case, the truth is they want to spend as little as possible.

The guilty party’s insurance company doesn’t want you to hire an accident lawyer when you're injured in a car accident, construction accident/workplace accident, or through negligence at a nursing home (characterized as elder abuse), to list some examples. They want to settle your personal injury claim with you for a dollar amount far lower than you deserve.

They sometimes resort to threatening and manipulative strategies to get you to agree to their terms. Many injury victims are already vulnerable and submit to these strategies.

Our California personal injury law firm is here to give you the best legal representation. This San Diego personal injury attorney understands the tactics of insurance companies and can protect your rights. We also understand the insurance laws that may directly impact your case and can provide appropriate legal advice. With a winning track record on cases in personal injury matters over a wide range of practice areas, our accident lawyers of Mova Law Group will earn your immediate respect. Start your free case evaluation now.

We handle a ton of different personal injury cases from everything from motor vehicle accidents to dog bites. See our law practice areas or give us a call 24/7 to get help for your personal injury case.


Car Accident Settlement


Motorcycle Accident Settlement


Mova Law Group has done over $56 million in case settlements for our clients.


If you’ve been injured in a severe accident, you may ask yourself, “How can I afford these expensive medical bills?”. Our law firm believes that it is 100% the negligent party’s responsibility to pay for any costs resulting from the accident.

Accident cases can range from auto accidents to medical malpractice to premises liability to product liability: At Mova Law Group, we can handle all types of personal injury. Our accident attorneys receive nothing until your personal injury case has been settled.

In most cases, the insurance company will pay for the damages caused by the at-fault driver’s negligence in a vehicle accident. To be clear, however: These insurance companies are not on your side and will do whatever it takes to pay you as little money as possible for your personal injury claim. Accident lawyers, however, are dedicated to maximizing your personal injury settlement. Our accident attorneys can help you file a personal injury claim today if you have been involved in an incident resulting in harm to you or a loved one. Lawyers are available at our San Diego office seven days a week. Our firm has the experience and understands the ins and outs of the insurance company’s tactics to underpay you as much as possible. Sadly, the legal team at Mova Law Group has seen insurance reps and claims adjusters firsthand pressure accident victims into accepting lowball offers.

If you have been involved in an accident or lost a loved one due to a tragic accident caused by another person’s negligence or medical malpractice, we will help you receive top compensation for your wrongful death claim. When you’re with us, you’ll never have to worry about the insurance adjusters pressuring you into accepting a lowball offer for your claim. We’ll protect you from their predatory, unethical tactics. Call now to schedule your free consultation today at (858)900-9911 or visit our law office at 3262 Rosecrans St, San Diego, CA 92110.
Personal Injury Case


Several factors determine the value of your injuries in an accident case. Aside from a familiarity with the legal process, an accident attorney can give you a fair estimate of what your claim is worth. Although there are settlement calculators that provide an estimate on your claim, they’re usually not accurate. On the other hand, our personal injury lawyers at Mova Law Group can look at your case from every angle and know what you should expect from your claim. At your initial consultation, they know precisely what elements to factor in, including lost wages, medical bills, and pain and suffering beyond your basic medical treatment. Trying to guess what your claim is worth and handle the settlement yourself will likely result in unfair compensation for your injuries and not cover the non-economic damages you suffered. You may lose thousands you could’ve received had you worked with a personal injury lawyer. Our San Diego personal injury attorneys will make sure this doesn’t happen. Call or visit our law offices today, and we’ll start you off with a free case evaluation.
San Diego Personal Injury Lawyer


Chris Mova is making a difference in his community of San Diego. His years of experience in the legal system taught him the value of the 'personal' in personal injury law. Chris saw that hard-working people and their families were taken advantage of and mistreated too often. He saw injured people without the money to cover their bills, let alone recover.

Chris’s desire to give personal injury victims justice resulted in the creation of Mova Law Group. This San Diego legal team values listening to the individual client's experiences. Chris Mova and his team strive to meet the unique needs of each case and get clients the justice they deserve.

Chris is passionate about coaching other personal injury lawyers. This training ensures new personal injury attorneys understand the values and needs of the individual client.

San Diego Personal Injury Lawyer | Mova Law Group

If you need justice for an injury you've received, contact Mova Law Group. Receive a free consultation and start getting justice for your personal injury case!
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